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I get so hard just knowing that my partner is looking at my cock

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Started by curvy8 at 06,May,20 09:45  other posts of curvy8
Does it happen to you? Just exposing my cock to my gf and knowing that she is looking and admiring it gets me really aroused.

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New Comment

By #652988 at 27,Dec,21 15:45
I get hard if anyone looking aty dick

By #591921 at 14,May,20 00:42
Surprisingly today I ran to the store quick to grab a few things I needed. Didn't worry much about getting dressed had on warm up pants. Got to the store and on the isle I'm on this cute chick with a hot plump ass and cute tits was there. She looked up at me and nearly walked off,then I saw her head look back she was staring at my cock. She took a couple of steps closer. So then I feel my cock slowly growing her looking at it in public. It stood out and pulled my pants out tight. Well she certainly noticed as it did. Well just then I took a couple of steps her way and grabbed the soap I wanted but I was like on super fluff. I I turned to go toward the cashier her eyes on my by now half hard cock in some stretchy pants in the dollar store. Luckily she talked with me for a minute or two to let my stiffie drop a little bit. She was well aware and I think she honestly enjoyed having a guy obviously aroused by her.

By Lvphose at 06,May,20 10:17 other posts of Lvphose 
Yes it is a turn on!

Adult Discussion Forum