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Started by Darthshame at 22,Jun,20 18:25  other posts of Darthshame
So I recently had a dream. I traveled through time somehow and met my younger self. First I told myself things to avoid and whatnot. Then, I got the idea to be a bit kinky. I just grabbed younger men's dick. At first younger me wanted to fight. Then I wad like, what's the harm? I felt the little bulge grow. That's it, I told myself. I've fantasized about sucking a dick for awhile, but always worried about catching stuff. I know younger me is clean. I undid his fly and pulled it out. Began by jerking it and he fell back onto my old bed. Then I just went for it and sucked myself off. After, he looked at me and we both stood up. He looked down at my bulge sticking out from being so turned on and shoved me onto the bed. Then he sucked me off too. After which I saw he was getting hard again already. I said you have to fuck me so we know what it's like. Here said gross, I told him it would feel great. Better than any masturbating. I bent over and that fucker didn't even hesitate. He came in me really fast and then ran to jump in the shower. Would anyone else play with themselves if they could or am I weird?

New Comment

By #1102 at 05,Jul,20 20:11
that would nice to see my self boy again i would fuck that little boy hole suck his cock

By onthelose at 22,Jun,20 22:14 other posts of onthelose 
Well I probably wouldn’t do the things you did in your dream. I would make sure that there wasn’t anything about sex I didn’t tell my younger self. I would also tell him to have sex with the boys I knew then if it was possible. When I was 11 or 12 I didn’t know much about sex and nothing about blow jobs or m to m sex. I often wonder what my male neighbor boys cocks looked like or tasted like or felt like in my mouth or my ass. It didn’t even cross my mind to do those things!!!!
By Darthshame at 23,Jun,20 01:30 other posts of Darthshame 
Yeah, I've thought about that too. Had some close friends that I could have had that fun with younger.

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