I used to have a pronounced bend to the left and a former partner deemed it to be "deformed". In some anguish I used to pull it and bend it the other way in the shower every day. To my great surprise it did become much less 'bent' and the otehr bonus was considerable increase in thickness at the base!
By #591921 at 17,Jul,20 02:25
Well Scorps I dont want to discredit what you said however mine used to curve hard yo the left and then back out the other way so it was more lil an s shape. However since ive been alone(sad as it is) I got me a pump just so that I could feel a sucking sensation from time to time. I dont use it that often but usually about once or twice a week I might pump and I only leave it on about 20minutes. Well low and behold its a lot straighter now. I do still have a curve in it but not quite as bad as it once was.
By #551147 at 15,Jul,20 10:35
Head to the arts and crafts store, purchase a bag of popsicle sticks, some duct tape, and splint that sucker up!
Other than that, I'm fairly certain it's not possible.
Just curious though, 🤔 Why? Is it the aesthetics of him that bothers you, or like complaints from a lover?
Other than that, I'm fairly certain it's not possible.
Just curious though, 🤔 Why? Is it the aesthetics of him that bothers you, or like complaints from a lover?