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Has your cock suddenly curved?

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Started by staudacher at 18,Aug,20 19:36  other posts of staudacher
My cock suddenly curved to the left at around 70-80 degrees Only thing I can attribute it to is the steriod pack the Dr had me on for back pain. After I had finished the 6 day pack, I awoke the next morning with a hard on and discovered it had curved WTH??
Any cures for this?

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New Comment

By Lvphose at 28,Aug,20 06:02 other posts of Lvphose 
Mine used to be a lot bigger and straight. I had a gf who indulged my nylon/pantyhose fetish and could always get my cock motor running. Sadly we’re not together anymore, but the fetish and being horny remained. So a lot of playing with myself and jerking was my fate. Now I’m older, not as big and curved, I believe too much playing and jerking myself!

By knewbi at 24,Aug,20 15:16 other posts of knewbi 
Mine suddenly curved from jerking off too much. Yes, it was about 5 to 7 times a day and they mostly were lengthy sessions. Seems that something let go in there from being jerked so much and it turned upward. Yes, I can get aggressive when jerking off. After a few years it started to straighten out but has a noticeable curve remaining. Still jerk off a lot but not as much as I use to.

By curvy8 at 22,Aug,20 13:33 other posts of curvy8 
curve is good

By kebmo at 22,Aug,20 07:21 other posts of kebmo 
Mine is curved but not for the same reason. It happened over a couple of years. I wrote a blog story about my situation.

By shy360 at 22,Aug,20 05:05 other posts of shy360 
There are some posts on you tube about this.

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