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Compare on request

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Started by Robben at 03,Mar,21 03:58  other posts of Robben
On request I did this comparing picture, to a shaving gel container. Would be nice to know what you think?

Similar topics: 1.Request pics   2.cornhole picture request   3.Personal Request   4.just under 9inch long also 6.5 around girth..... how does everyone compare??   5.Va J J (no not the dude working at the gas station) and other sexual euphemism's for your danger zone.  

New Comment

By 42pupasmurfblue60 at 06,Mar,21 04:45 other posts of 42pupasmurfblue60 
what would be really impressive is watching that cock stretch a pussy out, watching a pussy stretching around that piece of meat

By Alwaysnude at 05,Mar,21 15:23 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] Here is mine travel size

By eduard99 at 03,Mar,21 09:16 other posts of eduard99 
I think these comparisons with shampoo bottles etc. are not very beautiful! The best proof of your exceptional size has to be done with a measuring tape, put on the upper side of the fully erect penis!
By Robben at 03,Mar,21 10:04 other posts of Robben 
Yes there are some pictures of that too
But wait... is this a matter of beauty? Maybe time to walk on the catwalk
By 4everanedger at 03,Mar,21 15:28 other posts of 4everanedger 
Yeah, I disagree with eduard. It's fun to compare with different regular gouse hold objects.

By #539634 at 03,Mar,21 07:10
What a truly magnificent cock
By Robben at 03,Mar,21 07:30 other posts of Robben 
Thank you!

By #539634 at 03,Mar,21 07:05
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

My feeble attиmpt at the same comparison test
By Robben at 03,Mar,21 07:30 other posts of Robben 
Nice sherman

By Vita at 03,Mar,21 05:30 other posts of Vita 
wooow !!! photoshop ??
By Robben at 03,Mar,21 06:47 other posts of Robben 
Nice comment Well its authentic- I dont even have software for photoshop.
By Vita at 03,Mar,21 06:52 other posts of Vita 
what a tool !!

By hardehout at 03,Mar,21 04:57 other posts of hardehout 
Great scale to show Smaug in all his glory!
By Robben at 03,Mar,21 06:46 other posts of Robben 
Thank you!

Adult Discussion Forum