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Ass play..

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Started by elgermenes at 26,Mar,21 17:51  other posts of elgermenes
Is it weird that i use tampons to train my hole for a real cock hopefully at some point lol?? Like I'll lube up my hole and put in the tampon as if it's my pussy and I'll leave it in there for a while. I know i can use a plug or buy a dildo but i just feel like this way is a good way to start..idk is it just me or is that weird lol😚

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New Comment

By wycowboy at 27,Mar,21 13:15 other posts of wycowboy 
It's not something I would do but I don't think it's weird. I started with my fingers and then a dildo but have had hand tools, glass coke and beer bottles and other items in my ass.

By up-for-it at 27,Mar,21 08:53 other posts of up-for-it 
What's weird and what isn't?

Whatever does the trick for you, just enjoy it !

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