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Does anyone keep old cum in a jar in the freezer?

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Started by #46507 at 04,Mar,10 13:20
I'm wondering about starting this project. Continually topping up the jar of cum in the freezer, each time I cum.
How long will it take to fill?

Anyone got ideas on what to do with the full Jar?

In case you're thinking, I'm not going to auction it on Ebay. Any other ideas?

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By #457614 at 30,Dec,17 07:50
I had a buddy fill up a 3oz/90ml bottle for me once. He shoots big loads and I thought it would be hot to use it as j/o lube. He kept it frozen and it took about 22 loads to fill it up. I was super horny to try it out...

And then... I actually tried it. It was SOOOOOO gross. As someone else mentioned, the consistency changes dramatically and the texture and everything is just... gross.

And oh yeah... after the consistency change, it made horrible lube.

By #6568 at 26,Dec,17 09:13
This regualrly crops up here, and on other places, so it's a constant preoccupation for some people..... The fact is that semen is a complex mixture of substances that are there to do a specialist function of moving the sperm is a safe environement and soon breaks down into something quite different once ejaculation is over, so it's not a substance that keeps well under any conditions including freezing. When sperms are frozen they are carefully removed from the semen (aand washed) for that reason...

However, some women highly rate fresh semen as a facial treatment

By leopoldij at 24,Dec,17 15:03 other posts of leopoldij 
That's simple math. If your ejaculate is average then you produce 3.7 ml per wank. For a 1 liter jar, it takes 1000/3.7 = 270 wanks to fill it up. If you're a vigorous masturbator and do 3 seasons per day, say, then you need 270/3 = 90 days = 3 months to fill up the jar. If you wank once a day you need 270 days = 9 months to complete the task. And if you only cum once a week then you need 270 weeks which is about 5 and a half years to fill up the jar.

The real question though is why you would do it. But that's a question that science cannot answer.

By #34386 at 31,Jan,11 02:07
No way, can produce if theres the need

By #7976 at 31,Jan,11 01:01
In a word; No.

By #135959 at 31,Jan,11 00:52
I'm just started the same thing. So when I get enough I'll worm it up and fill my ass and mouth with it

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 08,Mar,10 21:22 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

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