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Started by admin at 23,Mar,09 19:03  other posts of admin
I've been asked many times to make a possibility to upload videos.

Now I'm working on it and asking you to help me testing it.

Here is a form to upload videos (actually can be any files at general, for example "zip"s):


Currently those files go to hidden category, which if everything is fine I will make visible later.

Feel free to use this and pass files from one member to another in all modes (4members,private,temp) and please let me know about any errors you encounter both during posting and viewing.

Note that it takes points to view files over 2Mb if you are not a friend of the member who posted it. So you may wish to do not view those files just to test them.

Similar topics: 1.NEW: Mobile Uploads   2.Private uploads from an Android phone   3.Private uploads disappeared   4.Video uploads   5.Is there a way to clean up private uploads efficiently  

New Comment

By nylonlover at 31,Mar,09 20:27 other posts of nylonlover 
Look at my video uploads.

By #9793 at 31,Mar,09 03:41
everything works for me!

dumb question: if we upload a video, do we get a point when someone d/l's it?
By admin at 31,Mar,09 13:31 other posts of admin 
Not directly, but yes. More downloads get you more points during re-rolls. Same with the image views, but with lower ratio.

By #5261 at 25,Mar,09 11:06
Admin, Alloy tells me that he cannot view my vid. I clicked on the thumbnail of Alloy's own vid and it actually downloaded! (I just wanted to see it!) and even then I couldn't view it..Lost a point for nothing! (big deal! I know) But I watched Looks's no problem..I am sure that these are just teething problems though.. It is a fantastic idea! Hope it all works great soon. Thanks for introducing it!
By admin at 25,Mar,09 13:10 other posts of admin 
It's one of the reasons why I did not want to do this. If the video downloaded - it's already not the poblem on my side. Either you do not have a proper codec for decoding or Alloy encoded it incorrectly.

Adult Discussion Forum