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Started by #8995 at 23,Mar,09 23:40
(men) what does it feel break one?
(women) what did u feel when someone break your hymen?

Similar topics: 1.How does a lesbian loss her virginity?  

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By slipper at 19,Sep,15 04:09 other posts of slipper 
Plucked my wife's "string" hymen with my finger when she was 18. Little **** and only a moment's pain, though she said it wasn't much pain. Sex immediately after was great for both of us!

By #497509 at 14,Sep,15 20:25
I broke the seal of 4 Virgin girls between the age of 14 to 17. First was my wife when she was 16 She cried a lot with lot of bleeding. Second one was 14 . She cried even more . Others were at 15 and 16 . They all cried . Later they all enjoyed thrusting.
By *kmadeau* at 14,Sep,15 22:04 other posts of *kmadeau* 
wow and all that was happened in India? Maybe you just have r_apped this little girls or?
By #316057 at 15,Sep,15 04:15
yep it had to be from India

By #497509 at 15,Sep,15 22:37
In India it was common to marry a girl below 16 in 1980's and it is changing fastly. I did all these in those days. So take it from that perspective. So it was not forcefully done , all with their consent.

By #55772 at 22,Feb,10 22:51
I know a lady that jacked off a neighbor friends horse. WOW!!!
By #90395 at 12,Aug,10 08:21
I knew a woman who's job was collecting semen from race horses for artificial insemination. She would jack off the horses by hand.

By #82616 at 06,Aug,10 11:25
I got to take 3 girls virginity and all had bleeding and some discomfort but did not have to stop intercourse because of it

By Olddude at 11,Apr,09 22:25 other posts of Olddude 
Not great sex. As it is alot of pain for the lady! I would suggest you have some sort of lube handy!

By #7976 at 26,Mar,09 01:50
I've brokent two in my life. One was almost a non issue, a little push and it parted with a big sigh from the lady then not much more. The second was harder. We tried for about an hour to gently brake it but it wouldn't. I suggested going to a doctor to do the honors but she wouldn't have it. We finally managed to push through but it was painful for both of us. I imagine that from a woman's perspective, it is a blessing to have it gone before engaging in her first sex. I couldn't say I thought it was too enjoyable either.

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