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How to tell if someone you meet is the type to let you 'use' their mouth?

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Started by Blade at 28,Jun,22 04:06  other posts of Blade
Seriously, what are any/best ways to tell, when meeting someone, if they are into oral, especially into letting you fuck their mouth.

I thought of this after being out at bar, and me & buddy met a couple girls. We were going to leave with them, and my buddy asked me which one I wanted. I responded "the one that would let me fuck their mouth the best". or something along those lines.

I wasn't into either really and was just being good wingman for my buddy who was into them. I picked wrong and wondered if he got the 'good' one. He left for training camp after that night, so I never got to ask him.

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New Comment

By #710894 at 22,Feb,24 13:49
We need to get an app. Life360 would work. Only, it needs to be maintained and anyone who’s ever started up Feeder/cocksucker group, fails to keep it current.

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