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Started by markenstien at 14,Oct,22 23:19  other posts of markenstien
i'm 64 male that is to shy to ask a man or woman to have sex play . i'm 30 miles north of houston texas i do jack off daily and act out by jacking in front of my live in house keeper . she don't let me touch her pussy , i do play with her ass while she acting like she sleeping and i'm jacking off . my neighbor can see in my front door its glass . i stand in the door naked and stroking my dick sometimes . she has seen my a few times . she seen a message on my house keeper's phone . i message my housekeeper saying i talked to the neighbor and was jacking off while she talked . the neighbor called me and said she don't do that kind of stuff . she was mad . but i still stand naked in door and stroke my dick , she looks sometimes but not much . i do jackoff thinking about her . i know that don't have anything to do with hooking up . i want to meet a woman that will use her strapon and fuck me in my ass . she can spank me and spank my dick and balls too . any referal would be great . i do want to hook up with a man too . have never touch another mans dick . i want to do the man to man stuff . yes let him fuck me in my ass or man pussy . how can i make any of this happen ? help ? i like some one close to my age . MY DEAL IS I CAN'T GET A HARD DICK . tried the pills before wich work good some times . havn't tried them secne my heart attack back in december.

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New Comment

By onthelose at 24,Mar,25 04:34 other posts of onthelose 
There are plenty of men who will suck you and want nothing in return, but you have to take the first step. I was a little shy at the bath house when I was nude around other men. I had no success until I got over my shyness and made the first move. I don’t think you are as shy as you think if you show off to others. I know this post was awhile ago but I felt the need to comment.

Adult Discussion Forum