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Need help with pictures

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Started by like2jack at 24,Mar,09 21:01  other posts of like2jack
I can see the thumbnails but when I click on them all I get is the little box with the red X in it and a message that says that it is in the wrong catagory or poor quality. I didn't have any trouble with the old computer running Windows XP now I have a new system with Vista and I can't see the cocks anymore. Bummer. I think that it is probably somthing that needs to be set or adjusted in my system but I don't know much about computers. Can anyone help?

Similar topics: 1.Posting pictures   2.Wanted: Selfsuck pictures   3.looking for old pictures   4.Cum over my pictures   5.*** How many pictures do you have on your page ? ***  

New Comment

By #551147 at 24,Feb,20 20:07
Reach out to Mr.Admin he's very knowledgeable and usually quite helpful.
By #610414 at 25,Feb,20 16:19

[deleted image]

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