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Forum / Discussion / Stories etc.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #60976 at 10,Mar,10 06:33
I am new to this site and posted a story under the catagory
of Embarassing sexual situations (or something of that nature) I can't seem to find that area to see if any comments were posted. Does anyone know how to get into that discussion board ?

Similar topics: 1.Are you ready for this one ???   2.*** Your "PROFILE NAME" and how you came up with it ***   3.Spice up DISCUSSION forum   4.Showyourcunt needs its own Discussion Forum!!   5.SYC Discussion Forum??  

New Comment

By #23212 at 10,Mar,10 07:37
It is my understanding, and I just tried it out as an 'anonymous' to be sure, that one CANNOT post any comments on the Forum unless one is logged in; so this would appear to NOT be the issue.

By spermkiss at 10,Mar,10 06:50 other posts of spermkiss 
At the top of the Forum page you'll see "Your Recent Posts". Click on that and then scroll down until you find the post you're looking for.
By #60976 at 10,Mar,10 07:15
Since I'm new I must have screwed up by using anonymous as the sender, so it doesn't show up when I pull up my recent
posts. I get the other posts which have my username but it isn't showing anything else. Would you happen to know how to get to the page which has stories written by other users?
Thanks for the reply.
By spermkiss at 10,Mar,10 07:28 other posts of spermkiss 
In that case I don't know what to tell you except "Good Luck". If I think of anything I'll post another note. Maybe some other members can help you.
By spermkiss at 10,Mar,10 07:32 other posts of spermkiss 
There's a box at the top of the Forum page in which you can type in a subject and then click "search". Try that and see what comes up.

Adult Discussion Forum