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Any feedback or customer reviews of Bathmate?

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Started by lovetolickyou at 24,Dec,23 19:25  other posts of lovetolickyou
I'm interested in feedback from people who have tried the Bathmate water-actuated pump systems. This is purported to be superior to air/vacuum devices, but it costs more. Has anybody used one and if so how do you like it?

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New Comment

By lovetolickyou at 13,Mar,24 07:33 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I got mine and was really anxious to try it...The ads made it sound plausible and like it could work. What I found is that the degree of energy required to move the device made it pretty impractical for me. I returned it, and on a positive note, the manufacturer was very good to deal with and I got my money back.

By hytiger at 31,Dec,23 11:25 other posts of hytiger 
Overpriced, uncomfortable to use, and potentially dangerous!
Only used mine a couple times, then went back to a proper pump with a gauge.
You can water pump with a standard air pump, see my pics.

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