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Started by Lik2play at 01,Dec,24 20:58  other posts of Lik2play
How many men have the had a mistress..
I have had four over the last 15 years. How was your arrangement.

Similar topics: 1.Master or Mistress   2.My next orgasm!   3.I'm in NEED of a girl to tell me what to do.(mistress)   4.In search of a mistress .   5.Looking for a female mistress  

New Comment

By bella! at 02,Dec,24 02:23 other posts of bella! 
As a rule, a mistress is a kept woman. I'm rather curious, are you a man of means?
By Lik2play at 02,Dec,24 02:49 other posts of Lik2play 
I'm retired. I would love to find another mistress. Or partner
By bella! at 02,Dec,24 04:42 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps my comment was too delicate and I should have phrased it in a more direct manor.... If my understanding of a mistress is correct, the mistress is a kept woman meaning she receives financial support for sexual favors. So when I asked whether you are a "man of means", basically I was asking whether your financial status permitted you to keep a "side piece"?
By Lik2play at 02,Dec,24 10:40 other posts of Lik2play 
At that time I was able to maintain a side piece. Now I'm retired it would be more difficult to keep a full time side piece..
By bella! at 02,Dec,24 13:22 other posts of bella! 
So basically you are attempting to establish a "friend with benefits" type relationship, correct? You are looking for a casual relationship with sex being the benefit?
By Lik2play at 02,Dec,24 13:36 other posts of Lik2play 
By bella! at 02,Dec,24 15:05 other posts of bella! 
Much luck to you.

Adult Discussion Forum