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(Women) Dating a crossdresser

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Started by twisted1975 at 06,Mar,25 22:17  other posts of twisted1975
Although I've been on this site for a while, and have posted pics in lingerie, I've recently come to terms with the fact that I'm a crossdresser. The details of my history that led to this aren't important for this discussion, but while "finding myself" I have come to some realizations. First, I no longer question my sexuality. Yes, I can admire a nice clean cock and balls, or even still have an occasional curiosity to wonder what it might be like to try things with someone who has a dick under very limited circumstance, but I do not have a desire to be with a man and do not consider myself gay or questioning any longer. I simply have a draw to wearing women's underwear, sometimes maybe more lingerie, or a dress maybe a little more, but to regularly wear a bra and breast forms.

My wife is not supportive. She wants me to stop no matter what. I don't want to.

Here is the question. Would you as a woman (hypothetically) be open to dating someone who cross-dresses privately, or outdoors as long as they are SURE no one is around? If you would be willing to date someone like this, why is it not a problem for you? If you are not, why is it an issue for you?

Similar topics: 1.what `s your sexsual orientation?   2.Women talking about penis size with other women.   3.crossdressing   4.Nsa dates   5.Gay-Bi Dating Site  

New Comment

By badboy666 at 07,Mar,25 21:28 other posts of badboy666 
As a wife to a very sexy man i can tell you honestly that i am fully excepting of who he is, i would say he is similar to yourself, he admires a good looking cock and balls and will think about how that may feel, he also will wear items of clothing that closed minded people would think that only women should wear. so your question as a married woman why is it not a problem, first love, then because im open minded enough to understand that it is part of what makes him him, it does not mean he is not attracted to me and only wants a man, it makes him feel good, its not wrong or a taboo subject. i like having my nails done does that make me odd? no its just part of me. we as a couple have never hidden anything from each other.And for those that read this and think i just put up with it and say im ok with it just to keep my man! hell no open your bloody eyes it takes all sorts to make a wonderful diverse world.
By twisted1975 at 08,Mar,25 21:58 other posts of twisted1975 
Your husband is a lucky man that you have the perspective you do. You’re right, for me it’s all about the feeling of contentment I get when I’m wearing women’s underwear. It’s not really sexual for e, and it sounds like not for your husband either. Finally after all these years I have a better understanding of why it’s such a compulsion for me. Thank you for your response and being someone who understands and supports their husband in this. I hope my wife comes around to at least not wanting to know and letting me be “comfortable” when she’s not around. She seems to be relaxing on it a bit. Part of the problem, she says, is that I didn’t tell her right away. We’d been together about 6 years before I said anything.
By Moench at 13,Mar,25 21:33 other posts of Moench 
I am married fo over 15 years, from the beginning I told my wife that I love wearing women underwear,bras,lingerie and nylons. I not dress like a funky xdresser . First she was curious but later she liked and help me to buying some nice dresses. I cane wear whatever I like and whenever I like. Ok ,live at a farm fare from civilization and no neighbors so is there no problem. To walking or working at my farm in girls underwear or only bra now is so normal for as

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