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Another button -- agree or disagree?

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Started by #17242 at 15,Mar,10 02:49
I can't speak for other members, but I for one am certainly not logged in often enough to view even a fraction of the new pics submitted by members. It's quite easy, though, to check which members are logged in and take a peek at their portfolio. My eyes roll when I see a profile that's new to me, even though it's probably not "new" on the site, that's most obviously filled with fake pictures, either of several different people or even simply a person of the wrong gender. What do other members think of asking admin to add another button to the top row or right column of members page that flags them to admin for either the wrong gender in their profile or fake pics of muliple people? Both could be cause for removal of their profile. Comments welcome.

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New Comment

By #59658 at 15,Mar,10 04:48
A lot of that is under the "evaluate" link.
By #17242 at 16,Mar,10 03:19
Where is the evaluate button on pics in a member's profile? That's what I'm asking about.
By #19575 at 16,Mar,10 05:39
Hope this help you ...
Step 1 : Go to main page SYD or SYC
Step 2 : Click on most recent
Step 3 : If you see a photo that falls into the catagory to which you were talking about ... "See all the "Evaluate" buttons ? The rest is just a click away !
Good luck and again hope this info helps answer your question ! Hey , BTW "Beachrunner" , .... "Nice pics" !!!
By #23212 at 16,Mar,10 22:59
Thank you for the info, CreativeOne. I've been here a while and never knew about this way of evaluating pics.

Adult Discussion Forum