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Sucking Cum Out -- Shooting In The Mouth

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Started by #52018 at 06,Apr,10 03:27
Fascinated with my own dick, like it and want to suck it, but cant, like to try one like it, cut 6in thick,

but concerned about the STD issue with sucking off a stranger dick. Anyone got suggestions?

Like to try a sucking shooting mouth cumming. And live to enjoy it.

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New Comment

By #652988 at 01,Jan,22 01:36
I would suck the cum out of a man's dick

By #539191 at 05,Jun,19 02:17
I’ve been servicing the same guy for awhile now. I was a little nervous at first but now I lick and suck and drain his balls until he floods me with every drop of his cum. I love how he moans with pleasure.

By #294596 at 28,Nov,13 21:41
Option A - Suck off a guy you know and trust to be clean. Of course this means admitting to a friend that you want to suck his cock and feel his cum shoot in your mouth. Not many first timers are bold enough to drop that info on a buddy.

Option B - Stop worrying about STDs via oral sex so much and suck off a stranger. Yes, it is possible to get them that way, but it is much more rare. I have sucked off nearly 400 different men and I suck 40 or 50 strangers per year and so far I am disease free from it. Between guys who have STDs being decent enough to not have sexual contact with others and the difficulty of contracting an STD via oral sex, your odds of getting anything orally are extrememly low.

By bikev at 28,Nov,13 07:18 other posts of bikev 
I have been sucking cocks for years. I have never caught anything so I guess I have been lucky. Try sucking with a condom first then when you get to know someone and are pretty certain they are clean remove the condom and suck it all down. You will love it and the taste is fantastic.

By #30602 at 08,Apr,10 05:41
I'll suck you and swallow first.

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