Shooting you load into wife/gf's pussy and then licking it out
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Started by #291319 at 29,Dec,13 12:01
I've always wanted to do this but can never bring myself to do it after I cum. I'm always so horny and ready to do it but after I cum it like I cant. I've came in my mouth before but I have to cum straight in my mouth I cant cum in my hand then eat it. Has anyone ever eaten creampie before
Yeah, know the feeling... But, in my case I eat her out after other guys have made deposits. We were swingers for years so i got the pleasure of doing just that.
By #652988 at 02,Jan,22 13:16
That's how I knew I liked the tasted of my cum and I would like to have someone to cum inside my mouth and me check m in there's
By #652988 at 28,Dec,21 01:33
I have unloaded in her and like it out and had another man to cum in her and I eat her pussy I unloaded in her and he liked mine out of her
Of course I do, every time. She cums so hard I love it.
By #516354 at 05,Jun,20 07:18
My ex wife/Mistress used to make me clean her pussy out every time we had sex.She used to invite a different Master to our house every so often to teach her different b.d.s.m related stuff.The sessions would usually start with wearing just my cock cage and watching them fuck.When they had finished fucking I was made to clean out her pussy and clean his cock.Then her lesson would begin what ever it was.
By #522791 at 04,Jun,20 16:01
Yeah same here...I eat my ol ladies pussy after I cum in it all the time
After oral sex with my wife, if I cum in her mouth, she kisses me and transfers the sperm! Quite nice actually!
I have also eaten her out after sex and she loves it!!
I have also eaten her out after sex and she loves it!!