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Started by #10364 at 03,Apr,09 01:58
I really like this site, and almost everyone I've chatted with has been really cool. However, there are a couple of things I'd like to see peeps do. When someone sends you a PM please take the time to at least acknowledge that you got their message. I try to do this because it seems to me a small courtesy. It seems like everyone I PM, whether they are on site or not, if they don't have time to chat, they can't even take the time to say they can't chat now. And if it's the case that you don't acknowledge the person because you don't want them to contact you anymore, please at least have the courtesy to tell them that. That way they can stop pestering you and move on. Thanks for hearing me. Like I said, almost everyone I've chatted with is cool, but it would be nice if those same people could at least say "hey, can't chat now" when I hit them up in chat.

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By admin at 03,Apr,09 05:21 other posts of admin 
Unread messages shown in bold to the sender, in case you do not know this...

By #7976 at 03,Apr,09 03:01
I agree with your sentiment. I too always at least give an answer to those who comment or text me. You are right that is only common courtesy. I have met a couple of really interesting gay and bi men even though I am straight and don't have any interest. If you write me, I will respond. This is a good topic.

Adult Discussion Forum