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Started by #10057 at 04,Apr,09 21:24
do you prefer a cut or uncut cock...and y?

Similar topics: 1.ANY LADIES ON HERE??   2.for ladies only   3.CFNM (Ckother Female, Naked Male)   4.Mature ladies   5.Ladies ladies ladies!  

New Comment

By #7658 at 17,Apr,09 10:15
Cut is unnatural and stupid
By #1501 at 09,May,10 12:42
A fair point...

By #8074 at 01,May,09 20:57
Okay, this is tending toward the totally physical. So, ladies, is this a simple (binary - yes/no) thing? Or is it worth mentioning how personality, enjoyment of an individual fit in here? It appears, that so far, you women are only looking. Now, how about the sex act, too? I for one am dying to know! Just trying to spruce up the conversation!! Caio!!!

By #7658 at 17,Apr,09 12:23
How old are you anyway flowerpower? You look about sixteen but your comments would suggest about ten?
By #3997 at 22,Apr,09 15:44
how old does your comments make you sound??? someone must have made fun of you about your dick so not your feelings are hurt or something

By #7658 at 17,Apr,09 12:07
Did i hit a nerve flowerpower? number 1 im not gay! number 2 im not a euro you racist bitch! Irish and proud actually. Number 3 i have got a brain actually. Im studying for a degree in biomedical science as we speak so i think that blows your argument out of the water does'nt it. The research you mention is just one study. You will find others that say different. So stop man hating little girl and grow up
By #3997 at 22,Apr,09 15:43
if you have a brain, please go back and try to read the comment you said something on the first time, and think about this question asking for someones opinion not facts

By #7658 at 17,Apr,09 10:24
"We Women are not wired for visual stimulation like men"(luvmyclit) please point me in the direction of evidence that supports this statement of yours! Or as i expect you dont have any and are just talking out of you pussy lips.
By #5532 at 22,Apr,09 15:21
If I were talking out of my "pussy lips" I doubt you would understand that. I suppose having paid lots of tuition to study psychology (social, human sexuality, abnormal) would certainly discredit any thoughts I might put forth. FP is correct in citing M&J, but there are dozens of very well put together studies which are supportive of my statement as being accurate. Should you choose to study this topic further, merely look through a few issues of periodicals (magazines if you cannot understand large words) for women, and then do the same for men. Pay close attention to the advertising, therein is the truth. Advertising firms would not be in business for long if their product did not produce the results intended (more revenue). Thank you FP.
By #3997 at 22,Apr,09 15:42
Either way it goes, its an opinion question, its which do you like better, asking of the ladies, thanks ladies for your opinion, trust me there are still some sane guys on this site

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