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Power Washer Sex

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Started by #59212 at 16,Apr,10 03:28
I pulled the hose on a power washer up between my legs one time no knowing how good it would feel. Now it goes there every time I use one. As long as no ones looking.

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New Comment

By #485312 at 01,Apr,17 08:17
l heard years ago about the old rattly washing machines and women rubbing against them while they spun, but the pulse of a gerni sounds good too. But nothing beats a good old fuck any day *lix*

By #454258 at 30,Mar,17 06:07
just don't hurt yourself. those things can take skin off.

By #27618 at 18,Apr,10 02:24
Could someone explain what a "power washer" is please?

In OZ, the term "power washer" usually suggests a high pressure cleaner, and I am sure that is not what it refers to in this post.
By #23212 at 18,Apr,10 06:42
In the USA and Canada (and perhaps elsewhere?), the term also refers to the same thing, a high pressure washer/cleaner! Perhaps in OZ you could call this 'high pressure sex' mate.

By #24286 at 16,Apr,10 23:50
A Power Washer here in UK is a steam washer you clean your car and yard with. I winced when I saw the headline! Now I know.
By #23212 at 17,Apr,10 00:30
I think you may have inadvertently learned something else here: Some people call the feelings of water squirting on their genitals, "sex". Interesting.

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 16,Apr,10 13:52 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 
By #23212 at 17,Apr,10 00:29
Is that what makes you always be SHOUTING?

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