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misleading profiles

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Started by #53350 at 28,Apr,10 21:45
why do some men deliberately set out to mislead members by setting their profiles as a female, we've noticed that more and more are doing this, do they think that they will get more views that way

Similar topics: 1.Profiles with no pics   2.How many actually read profiles before sendind a message?   3.fake profiles using the same pics.   4.Who is Dgraff ?   5.Fakes and flakes  

New Comment

By #549481 at 01,Feb,18 09:22
No, just more points

By #455846 at 31,Jan,18 20:16
anyone whose profile says 'female' Yet has mostly male pictures(of the same guy). Then a mix of all sorts of photos of girls young and old.... why ??

By #59855 at 28,Apr,10 22:48
From Matt's Wife: Who is doing that? I suspect that there are some but tough to tell.

Adult Discussion Forum