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Big Cocks Are Awesome

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Started by #48832 at 30,Apr,10 15:00
Both women and men know that a man with big penis has an advantage when it comes to sex. Both physically and visually he will be more of a man. A woman knows she will feel so much more when he penetrates her, than a man with a smaller penis. And men know it too.
In the eyes of both men and women, a big penis will look both impressing, sexy and fascinating. Regardless of sexuality, men will prefer to see big penises when they watch porn movies. A small dick in the movie simply does not convince.
When men see a man with a big penis naked, they instinctively feel inferior to him. They will no longer feel equal to him.
?one guy who?s kinda ?submitted? to me because my penis is much bigger than his, but he?s not the only one. Ever so often I find other males doing that too, and I don?t mind. It feels right in some way that a smaller bro should show some respect for a bigger bro, just like it is in the animal world. After all, humans are just sophisticated animals and the idea that there are Alpha-Males, beta-males, and even gamma-males still strikes a cord with me.?
It is natural to feel respect and admiration to man with a bigger penis. For men with average penises this does not mean they will submit and start serving the bigger man, but the respect will be there.
For a small dick like me, I know I am at the bottom of the male hierarchy, well aware that most men ? even if they are not huge ? are more sexually attractive and equipped, more manly and masculine than me. They all deserve and have my respect and admiration.

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New Comment

By _avg_ at 04,Dec,14 01:19 other posts of _avg_ 
Having a big cock does NOT make you "more of a man," nor does it give you a physical advantage. This is pure fantasy. Indulge if you will, but don't ever mistake fantasy for reality.

By #464410 at 03,Dec,14 13:01
I agree, big cocks are awesome, or so I've been regularly told!
[deleted image]
By #436014 at 03,Dec,14 20:39
wow. VagTease, you're a mouth-tease, too

By #436014 at 02,Dec,14 05:12
lots of bullshit in the original post but yeah, lots of big cocks are awesome the ones that can't get all the way hard, not so much

By #70814 at 27,May,10 20:00
I'm probably not the biggest..

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By #51046 at 30,Apr,10 15:05
[deleted image]
By #5440 at 04,May,10 15:25
your manhood is perfect
By #36901 at 20,May,10 17:41
check mine out. HorseHungFL and BrazilianTeen also have big beautiful dicks. Let's start our own BIG DICK CLUB on here. You in?
By #36901 at 20,May,10 17:42
here's mine:
[deleted image]
By #59664 at 20,May,10 17:55
[deleted image]

By #59664 at 20,May,10 17:50
By #59664 at 20,May,10 17:53


By #59664 at 20,May,10 17:51

By jo64 at 20,May,10 17:36 other posts of jo64 
Is this OK?

By #58841 at 17,May,10 00:52
[deleted image]

By #5440 at 17,May,10 01:31
you make my little dick so very hard!

By #3997 at 11,May,10 17:34
I am happy with my manhood, it makes me happy as well as others

By #72405 at 01,May,10 00:37
[deleted image]
By #5440 at 11,May,10 17:07
nice long fat cock

By #42017 at 10,May,10 12:36
I actually love having a small cock - I really enjoy the feminine feeling when I compare my 'dicklet' to a large or even just an average size penis. I love getting comments on my size.
By #5440 at 10,May,10 13:09
It doesn't make me feel feminine, but I do love the feeling of comparing my little weewee to a cock. and I love it when people make comments on my inferiority.

By #25058 at 07,May,10 19:15
[deleted image]
By #5440 at 09,May,10 10:02
definitely a superior cock

By #71023 at 07,May,10 02:28
Agreed 100%. There's nothing more I love than a strong, powerful, thick and thick cock. They're so beautiful and amazing to look at, let alone fuck
By #5440 at 07,May,10 12:00
yours is certainly very strong and thick...i would love to suck you

By #5440 at 03,May,10 15:50
From a purely sexual point of view, I can completely agree with the original post.

There is simply no way in which I could be considered equal to a man with a healthy, strong penis. Unless you are some kind of small penis fetishist, my immature little genitals are incapable of satisfying a man's primal urges as a sexual partner. (I'm a Kinsey 6, so as a complete homosexual, my inability to please a woman is irrelevant)

To be a man is to conquer and take, to fill and overpower, and to forcibly break through the walls of reality taking the partner to realms of ecstasy only accessible through surrendering to the masculine power of cock.

A baby penis like mine can't do that, because it isn't a cock. Sexually that means I am less than a man, because I can only receive, submit and serve.
By #59855 at 06,May,10 17:36
From Matt's Wife: This turns me on, I don't like to fuck a small cock but they are fun to make fun of. If the guy likes it.
By #5440 at 06,May,10 17:41
I like it very much

By #59855 at 05,May,10 20:51
From Matt's Wife: Fun topic!

By #24920 at 01,May,10 16:26
can i be included?

[deleted image]
By #5440 at 05,May,10 11:35 your cock!

By #67319 at 01,May,10 16:32
[deleted image]
By #5440 at 04,May,10 15:26
very powerful

By #72349 at 03,May,10 08:41
i have a big one...

[deleted image]

what you think?
By #5440 at 04,May,10 15:26
beautiful, strong cock

Adult Discussion Forum