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Started by #10886 at 10,May,10 10:07
[deleted image]

Do like this guy does...........USE A FUCKING TRIPOD!!

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New Comment

By MoeJoe at 10,Jun,10 09:03 other posts of MoeJoe 

By #23212 at 11,May,10 07:51
Tripods make a huge difference in photo quality, but if you don't have a clue about using the close-up button (little flower on it), your cock will be all blurred, and we can read all the titles of the books on the wall behind you--happens over and over!
By #6568 at 11,May,10 08:21
That's why it pays to get the cursor/focus rectangle on the edge of your cock or across a detail that you want to be sharp and press only half way, to let the camera get it's focus, before pressing all the way to make the exposure.....

.....Alternatively, use manual focus to set the focus on a fixed point but remember that if you move you must re-focus. Modern digicams have very small lenses giving great depth of field, area of sharpness back to front, but you need to control/defeat teh auto-focus for best results.
By #23212 at 12,May,10 00:23
As someone who has done photography professionally, I can tell you that this info is practically useless, if one does not use the 'close-up' or 'macro' setting properly.
By #6568 at 12,May,10 07:06
Well perhaps you could take a glance at the pix on my page as they were ALL made like this and none were done with 'macro' setting so I am 100% sure that what I posted cannot be "practiacally useless" and WILL return good results to anyone here who uses it as a starting point in their own picture making attempts.......

........Bye the way, both cameras that I used were relatively inexpensive little 'digicams' and all the shots were either 'pre-focused' or the camera was set to manual focus.
By #23212 at 12,May,10 21:48
I have more than glanced at your pics on your page, as you do have some very nice ones, that are very well done! I am talking about others, mostly who have their dick so close to the camera that it is mostly all blurred. As of this writing, your 11th photo down from the top, of the 28th April, is more like this kind. This is the one where you are holding the base of your dick, and it is pointed at the camera, and most of your dick IS out of focus in this one, unlike your other good pics. My comments, and I believe those of MoeJoe below are more addressed to those who post very close-up, out of focus pics.

By MoeJoe at 11,May,10 10:37 other posts of MoeJoe 
Yes...definitly a tri-pod makes a world of difference in composing your pics.....but I might add lesson one: Read your camera manual and understand the basics of image composition and learn how to use the macro setting....please. I've looked at so many blurry closeups that I sometimes think my eyes are failing!
By #23212 at 12,May,10 00:26
Thank you for confirming this! Yes, other than all the cell phone crap photos, the blurry closeups seem to be one of most common problems! And so easily solve by just reading the manual!

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 11,May,10 21:21 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 


By #6568 at 10,May,10 17:15
Even better than a tripod is,.....TWO tripods! One for the camera and another just behind it with a mirror clamped to show a view of the camera screen so you can compose your shots properly from in front of the lens.

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