| I was showering in the gym a couple weeks back. As usual, I had lathered my cock up with soap to a huge erection and was slowly fisting it when unexpectedly a young black man walked into the shower. He was slim and muscular and his muscles were pumped from the weight training he had just done. With only a glance and a quick smile at me he stood under the flowing shower some 5 feet away from me and closed his eyes and let the water wash over his body making him look quite amazing. I was still puzzling over my next move when a white guy also young but a with a little less defied body also walked into the shower. He had a brisk manner about him as he busily soaped his body under the shower and had his cock erect in a matter of seconds. Then without ceremony he went over to the black guy, stood behind him and told him to bend over and shoved his well lathered cock up his ass. The black guy yelped and grunted a little as the rather substantial cock probed his anus but otherwise just stood there bent over against the shower wall as the white guy shafted him vigorously. In just a couple of minutes, the white guy started grunting loudly as he obviously ejaculated. He sighed deeply a couple of times as he emptied his balls inside the black guy and then withdrew his cock which now hung long and spent in front of him. Without a word, he washed himself off and then left the shower area. The black guy smiled coyly as he caught my eye and I asked him if he wasn?t going to go with his friend, to which he replied ?I don?t know him?!? I was totally amazed by this.
Has anyone here done or seen something like this between total strangers?? |