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What on earth is going on!

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Started by #7659 at 18,Apr,09 05:44
Can someone tell me is this site for real or what?? I stumbled across it because I wanted to compare my lil man with the rest of the boys out there so to speak. But I had to stay around because I couldnt belive what I was reading. Topics such as... "do you drink your own sperm"?!!!!!! "Do you drink your own piss"?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "have you ever tried to suck your own dick"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know this is a site for showing off everything to the world but does it really mean you have to be as sick and degraded as this? Is there any normal people on this site, please let me know. Im all for talking about sex and reading about it but some of these topics makes me wonder what has happened to the human race.

Similar topics: 1.What on earth is wrong with everything?!!   2.When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.   3.Highest Rated Pics   4.Whitleys-Lover has a little girl in his pics   5.⚰️ The Industry Surrounding Human Death ☠  

New Comment

By #7963 at 18,Apr,09 13:34
By #5724 at 18,Apr,09 13:48
tell him katie, if you don't like it here LEAVE! or quit your bitching and let others enjoy what they want
By #3997 at 19,Apr,09 21:59
at first i though he was talking about a kid he was looking up info for not his you know, wow that is pretty weird, what will he call his son when/if he has one

By #7976 at 19,Apr,09 01:31
Wow. You might want to find another site to fill your needs. Here, every topic is discussed as if it were a phylosophical forum on anything sexual. If you don't like the topic then you move on to one that you have something to say about but you can't look at human sexuality with a closed mind.

That you find these topics degrading, bear in mind that many of these people are "normal" and outside this forum you would probably never know they have any of these thoughts. They are as private as the sex they have behind closed doors.

As for these particular topics, they are on the fringe to say the least. I took a Sociology course called "Social and Sexual Deviance and Deviants" in College. It was certainly an eye opener but I also did two tours of South East Asia during Vietnam and what I saw there was in many cases considered normal in their society and abnormal in ours.

I highly recommend you think over your ability to tolerate the topic put forward in this forum and if it is truly offensive to you, again, consider finding other outlets for your interests. That's my opinion at any rate.

By #6066 at 18,Apr,09 20:09
you can be sure to meet strange people on every sex page! just ignore them and have fun with the normal one's:-)

Adult Discussion Forum