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Started by #9163 at 18,Apr,09 17:35
don't mean this as a negative - but i am confused why so many identify as being straight, but frequently comment about wanting to suck cock or sit on one.

Wouldn't that be bi?

Similar topics: 1.Online men's site profile says "Not into hook ups" while featured pic is of nice big cock. lol   2.Anyone in Kansas   3.True or lie, an observation.   4.Confused   5.Young, tough and athletic, but confused  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 18,Jul,10 17:51 other posts of spermkiss 
First off, I want to say up-front that I'm as gay as they come and have been with two or three thousand men. Many of these men self identified as heterosexual. They could never have a romantic, partnered relationship with another man because they just weren't oriented that way. But sexual contact was another matter.

For some it was a one time thing. Something they had never done before and something they wanted to try at least once. It may even have been more intellectual curiosity than carnal desire.

For others, sex with men was a regular, semi-regular or occasional thing that they did indeed desire, even though they self identified as straight and lived most of their lives as straight. There are a LOT of straight men who like to fellate other men and/or like to be sodomized. For more discussion on this see the Forum topic "Straight Cocksuckers".

Blue balls and BushPilot have written very thoughtful and intelligent comments. I thank them.

By #7976 at 19,Apr,09 23:56
Being straight and having thoughts of homosexual acts is not being gay. Homosexuals are by definitions individuals who engage in sexual acts with people of the same sex. Gay is by definition a lifestyle and predisposes a propensity to be able to love only those of the same sex. In many society's, as it has already been stated, homosexuality was merely an option. In cases such as the Spartan sect of Greek society, homosexuality was considered a manifest part of making their Army strong and indeed, they were the best of the best on the battlefield. The thought was that people would fight harder for their loved ones than for strangers. As we know now, on the battlefield, strangers fight to save each other in their squads regardless of sex, race, creed, etc. I personally don't see that having thoughts of wanting to try a homosexual act of any kind once as identifying you as being Gay or even Bi. It merely means an individual is curious to know what something out of their norm is all about; how it feels, how it is different form your world, how it is the same. If guys or girls are predominantly dedicated to being Straight or Gay but want to try something outside their norm, it is in itself, perfectly normal and doesn't change their basic orientation. At least that's my opinion.

By #6066 at 18,Apr,09 19:50
you are right mate!
sucking a cock or even thinking about doing so is a gay action

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