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Started by #9497 at 23,Apr,09 04:35
Have you ever had to or farted during good sex..... What happend? Cum on and tell us!!!...

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By #9497 at 07,May,09 18:45
Damn dog lick!!! pretty funny.....
By #3997 at 11,May,09 19:05
I have a good dog story, i spent the night at my friends house, cause she had a party that night, so i stayed, once everyone left and we settled in for the night, upstairs one thing led to another so we were making out in the floor, and i was on top of her fucking her, and her bedroom door was cracked open, and her dog snuck in, and started licking my ass, it was kinda weird but at the same time it felt pretty damn good lol, and i am trying to push the dog away with my foot but he kept coming back, and she is laughing i am laughing, and i went to my friends grandamas wake, and one of her friends saw me and she brought that up that my friend had told her about it, and we had a good laugh once again, i remember that dog like it was yesterday
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,22 23:46 other posts of leopoldij 

By #9497 at 07,May,09 23:37
Me and the SO was getting hot and she was fucking me hard and I was giving it back to her then I felt the BIG OO!...cumin on then I started to get a ASS cramp OOhhh.... I started yellin.... damn they hert so good ... I did cum this time.....
By #3997 at 11,May,09 16:00
I speak in tongues after a good fuck and a hard cum, its funny

By #7976 at 04,May,09 02:35
This seems like a common theme in the topics these days. Yes, and nothing happened. We just kept on with what we were doing and didn't brake the mood. What else can you do?
By #3997 at 05,May,09 21:34
it almost a common theme, but good discussion always good

By #5532 at 01,May,09 21:09
Yes. Pussy farts (mostly when doing it doggie style), I farted once when my SO was going down on me. Good man, he never missed a lick. I was so embarrassed though.
By #5724 at 01,May,09 22:02
just means your enjoying it :)
i caught one the second time i went down on a girl, so i was broken in early
By #3997 at 01,May,09 22:06
Pussy farts turn me on, when the air gets in there and the pussy farts, it kinda feels good on your cock, and if you accidently fart while him going down on you, i wouldnt mind that, cause sometimes you get so into it and lose control, its a turn on when you think about it, but me myself have never farted while having sex, but this is one good topic so far, but i may have spoke to soon
By #5532 at 05,May,09 19:35
I don't have an issue with the pussy farts (SO says pussy so happy it sing with joy). It's the others I get embarrassed about.
By #3997 at 05,May,09 21:33
I love pussy farts, they are great, the others can be a little embarassing, but when you two love each other, you make up for them

By #9497 at 01,May,09 23:59
I agree with you supablack it doesent me either if she farts in anyway just be a gent about it and she'll love you back that much more......I've never farted during sex.....but I have had the erdge to and when that happes I can't cum.....I guess that a good thing ....is that what you call vaper lock ...lol.....
By #3997 at 03,May,09 19:42
To be a gent about a situation like that with a women, everyone has sex bloopers lol, that would actually be a good discussion question, but i have had some that you just laugh about, i have had some that hurt like with my girl bouncing on my cock, and it hits the wrong way and lets say doesnt feel too good, but sometimes they happen, whether its the guy or girl that causes it, just be cool about it, and you will have a great sex life

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