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my friends jockstrap

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Started by #82813 at 09,Jul,10 00:55
I have a couple buddies who are so hot--and when they undress to shower, at the gym ,they drop their jocks on the lockeroom floor and walk by me, bouncin cock and all. i fantasize bout grabbing their jocks and takin them home..putting their jocks up to my face and smelling their crotch, then rubbin their jock all over my dick and jackin my dick off in their jockstrap--it would be so hot! any similar thoughts?

Similar topics: 1.Question.....   2.Padded jockstrap   3.Is the jockstrap dead?   4.who wears a jockstrap for gym or sportsq   5.Is the jockstrap dead?  

New Comment

By jocstfr at 29,Sep,14 19:22 other posts of jocstfr 
would you like mine?

By #461011 at 28,Sep,14 22:29
very hot! ive taken quite a few jocks from guys that i thought were hot.

By pifad at 09,Jul,10 01:59 other posts of pifad 
Had a similar experience a few months back. Hot guy comes in to lockerroom, strips and heads for showers. I open his locker, swip his jock, stuff it in my bag and leave. Head home, take out jock, put it on my face and jack off. HOT!
By #21395 at 20,Nov,12 20:46
was that my cum soaked jock you took? you dirty bastard

By #3997 at 09,Jul,10 15:20
No Thanks
By #13219 at 10,Jul,10 16:07
Would you let me snif yours?
By #3997 at 19,Jul,10 22:19
If you wanted to sniff mine that would be up to you and I would let you but as far as me wanting to sniff some other guy's a pair of womens panties yes but not a jock

By #88663 at 13,Jul,10 11:47
I used to rub this guys cock while he wore his jock and when he got hard and the head poped out I'd blow him,I loved the musky smell of his jock while sucking him off

By #33070 at 13,Jul,10 10:38
Luv the look of them , but not the smell

By #21395 at 11,Jul,10 00:41
I love wearing them and taking pics of them, but would never try and steal one to smell...yuck

Adult Discussion Forum