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What type of pics should i take?

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Started by poztor at 21,Jul,10 07:22  other posts of poztor
I'm so new. What type of pics do you want to see?

Similar topics: 1."Outdoor Pics" or "Indoor Pics" .... What do You like better ???   2.Posting pics   3.How to block someone when...   4.GIRLS, whats your favourite type of pics?   5.Your FAVORITE type of pics  

New Comment

By #5531 at 23,Jul,10 06:07
good ones
By poztor at 07,Aug,10 05:07 other posts of poztor 
z thanks!

By #33861 at 22,Jul,10 17:34
Personally, I like POV know, how I would see it if I were on my knees or lying between your legs, getting ready to go down on you. I prefer flacid or semi-flacid, 'coz I like to feel it getting hard in my mouth.
By poztor at 07,Aug,10 05:07 other posts of poztor 
I'm thinking about you going down on me and already hard.

By #53643 at 22,Jul,10 03:49
Welcome to the site, have fun. Ill make a shameless plug for my page to give you some photo ideas. Take lots and lots of pics, in different poses in different situations and attire, then choose the best shots from these; crop and edit the ones you have picked as being the best, those are the ones to post.
By poztor at 07,Aug,10 05:05 other posts of poztor 
Thanks for the advice!

By #82241 at 21,Jul,10 22:51
Better focus. Closer cropped, so it fills the image.
By poztor at 07,Aug,10 05:05 other posts of poztor 
Yeah my cell phone and webcam photos aren't that great. I need to bust out the camera

By #13219 at 21,Jul,10 20:28
I want to see a pic of your dick in my mouth.
By poztor at 07,Aug,10 05:04 other posts of poztor 
Hell yes!

Adult Discussion Forum