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Strap on

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Started by #82616 at 27,Jul,10 17:21
Anyone let their wife/girlfriend fuck them with a strap on? did you enjoy it?

Similar topics: 1.Strap-on   2.Girlfriend wants strap-on play!! Women's opinons welcome!!!   3.Do you love strap on like I do?   4.I want to strap-on fuck my husband   5.Strap-on domination  

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By #604077 at 06,Dec,19 05:50
I love it when she does it! Problem is I can't get her to do it enough!

By #585180 at 29,Nov,19 15:13
[deleted image]My wife cums like crazy when she jerks me off while she fucks me with our strapless double dildo

By Smoothie71 at 27,Nov,19 13:43 other posts of Smoothie71 
Just bought a new dildo for my wife to fuck me with, can’t wait, 8”

By Olderguy321 at 27,Nov,19 11:26 other posts of Olderguy321 
Wife and own 4 different strap ons and we use on each other alot, i love it

By #601496 at 01,Nov,19 12:26
My GF fucks me with a strap-on all the time. I like it but, it'll never replace the real thing.

By #522126 at 01,Nov,19 07:24
Yes my Wife fucked me with one while her friend sat on my face and sucked my cock,loved it!!!

By smokieb69 at 01,Nov,19 06:03 other posts of smokieb69 
yes! best thing ever!!

By #589016 at 31,Oct,19 07:06
My cousin rubbed my cock with her sexy toes making me horny, she put a strap on on and bent me over fucking my ass deep makung me moan and sob.

By #516354 at 16,Aug,17 02:07
The first time I got fucked was by my now ex wife who was also my Mistress.Before we got into B.D.S.M. she had put her fingers in my arse as well as dildos.
Once we got into B.D.S.M. I came home from work one day and she announced she had a new toy for us to play with.She ordered me to strip and lay on the bed.Then she tied my hands and ankles to the bed so I was spreadeagled and blindfolded me.I heard the rustling of her clothes as she removed them and felt her get on the bed.Suddenly I felt her lubing my arse and inserting a couple of her fingers.Moving them in and out till my anus was well lubricated.She then asked if I was ready for her new toy to which I said yes.I felt her spread my ass cheeks and felt what I thought was a dildo being inserted in my anus.It felt good as it when't deep into me.Then I felt her thrusting against me and moaning with pleasure.When she had her orgasm she slid out of me removed my blindfold and showed me her new toy.It was a strap-on which had two dildos,one for my anus and one for her pussy.
Needless to say we had lots more pleasure from her new toy!!!

By wmw6cut at 15,Aug,17 04:28 other posts of wmw6cut 
i had an ex that used a strap on on me....had my first hands free orgasm too....was incredible

By #535417 at 15,Aug,17 03:22
Yes when was16 I let my 17 year old bbw girl friend fuck my ass with her moms 8 in strap on her parent where town and where fucking and she started fingefing my ass she told me she has some thing for me show told she would back in a few she come by out with a strap on on she bent me over and Fuck me in my ass for and hour i love it

By #536462 at 14,Aug,17 02:23
My wife fucks me with a 8" strap on and I love it.

By #88663 at 27,Jul,10 18:10
I had a girl friend who used to fuck me with a strapon it was great!we both enjoyed it verry much.. My wife will use toys on me but won't use a strapon

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