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Started by #93465 at 11,Aug,10 22:27
I am BiseXual,found out a few years ago,can any male tell me he has never had thoughts about another male,I've always had a feeling ..have you?

Similar topics: 1.Do you lose interest after you`ve came?   2.Discovering this Sight?   3.Straight but Bi-Curious   4.Why do straight guys visit this site?   5.been sucked by a dude?  

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By #485312 at 29,Apr,15 11:52
lm a totally straight female, lve never had a bi feeling toward any other girl, l only ever want a man or men to satisfy me, lve had many offers and couldn't do it for a million dollars...ld rather be hungry and broke than stick my finger in another girl, or have one poke me...l love bi guys, love watching and participating with them, but two girls just makes me dry up like a camels toe on the sahara sands *lix*

By #6568 at 08,Mar,13 15:56
I can only assume that the reason why I have NEVER had a dream about a male body is because I have been too busy dreaming about rounded female buttocks and big tits....

By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 09:53
no i would say no guy is 100% str8... weather u are attracted to a guy or not every man can not help but look and admire even if pnly for a minuet another mans cock or body.. al men dream about other men, might not remember it but we all dream about sex with other men.... and also we are interested in what other men think about our cocks and bodies hench why we post on sites likes this....
every man has that little bi curious bit in him which he is scared to admit to... no one is ever 100% pure str8 ....FACT
By #360973 at 08,Mar,13 10:39
"all men dream about other men...we all dream about sex with other men" & the rest ???!
It's cool that you're curious, bi or gay, but don't try to allay the insecurities you may have about it by pooling all men into the same "at least a little attracted to men" label, just because on a curious/bi/gay dominated site you think no straight guy might speak up and genuinely call your theory ridiculous
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It's a plan
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oops, wrong place
By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 11:55
who said i had insecurities... its a know fact taht every man will have a sexual dream from time to time about another man so before getting all argumentative with me know your facts .... no man or woman is 100 % str8 nevewr have been never will
By #360973 at 08,Mar,13 13:02
Bullshit! Maybe a fact that some men do and I have no issue with gay/bi people, have a tonne of friends that are. Do have a problem with statements like that. I can say dumb/inflammatory things too: "why would any guy be gay or bi, women have assholes and they aren't hairy...or attached to a man"
By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 15:12
i didnt say you had to be attracted to a guy but like i said everyone has admiration for another man or womans body and yo... and it is scientificaly proven every man or woman has a dream every now and then about the same sex and tha no one is 100 % str8 neither is some one 100% gay its jsut how life and the human brain works .... you might deny it or not believe it and say you never had but remeber you only remember 20% of your dreams any way and can have up 10 dreams a night so when you learn the true facts come back and give me a mouthfull...
By #360973 at 08,Mar,13 15:21
Explain to me how these tests and "facts" were conducted and aarrived at...and how they prove that 100% of men have same-sex thoughts in their dreams and I will take back everything I said and concede that i'm bi-sexual
By #301038 at 08,Mar,13 15:25
I would too... I would even call myself straight and keep dreaming about pussy...
By #360973 at 08,Mar,13 15:28
By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 15:35
yes i am str8 and have never had acctually feeling s for another man. but everyone is at least slightly curious wheather it is conciously or not... how do i know how they came to the conclusion i didnt do the tests did i.. i jsut read alot of sciency things.... look i gave my personal opinion ona topic and if you didnt like it you could ignore it.. itd a world of free speech remeber i didnt ask you tostart getting all arsy on my comment did i... dont like it then fuck off

By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 15:38
let me guess lover-fighter are you one of these guys that thinks any form of male ass play classes them as gay or bi.. or are you acctually open to men being able to enjoy anal stimulation with a woman or alone....
By #301038 at 08,Mar,13 15:43
hold on.... homosexuality has nothing to do with specific actions performed, but with a gender these actions are done with... My husband likes to fuck me in the ass and enjoys me sucking his dick... and my first husband enjoyed me fucking him in the ass... but they both enjoyed doing all these stuff with women...

Do you think that women, who enjoy oral and dildos in their holes are necessarily lesbians or bi?

Again, not the action, but the the same gender...
By #166058 at 08,Mar,13 15:55
im not saying that. i am saying i agree with people exploroing their own sexuality as i do too and i know many of friends of mine do too . i was asking him if he was as closed minded as some other ppl.... get off ya high horse peaches and read things properly

By #6568 at 11,Aug,10 23:07
I can honestly say that I have never had any thoughts about another male,...and I have never had any sexual feeling/thoughts about men in general. I sometimes admire a nice specimen here but it's a quite different thing to when I admire a woman and does not have any sexual component that I can discern,'s just being able to appreciate good design!
By #360973 at 07,Mar,13 14:38
I wanted to fire up so badly when I saw that thread title, but then I saw the actual original thread comment that was a reasonably reasonable question from a bi-guy, I calmed a bit; but what an inflammatory title. I'm commenting here because OB seems to be the only straight guy that ever attemps to inoffensively give a measured "truly straight" point of view when things like this pop up.
As he said, "truly straight guys can appreciate a nice car engine, a well-built building, a big fish, but we're desensitised and unphased by a cock being before our eyes (we all watchstraigh porn...there's dick in all of that). Unless you are saying that homophobic men who dramaticise they're disgust at the site of a cock that's not theirs
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a quality cock as they would a nice car engine...*
a cock that's not theirs are the "truly straight" guys *
By #124665 at 08,Mar,13 05:49
You're such a gaytard
By #360973 at 08,Mar,13 06:20
Oh, I'd go gay/bi for you Dece - no arguments on what type of music to lusten to (punk, then some punk,...)...and imagine how huge and sexy our cd collection would be - just got wood thinking about it
By #124665 at 08,Mar,13 06:40
Yes yes, mine is already alphabetized to make it easier And when my gf wants to hear Kenny Rogers or some stupid shit we can tie her up and tag team her while we punish her eardrums to the Damned, Machine Gun Etiquette

By spermkiss at 11,Aug,10 23:22 other posts of spermkiss 
It is not at all unusual for a man of one sexual orientation to have fantasies about the other. I'm as gay as they come and I often have heterosexual fantasies. Numerous straight men have reported on having gay fantasies.
By #124665 at 08,Mar,13 05:57
It's totally natural. I'm bored to tears watching MM or FF porn. There is just something about a cock AND a woman that is more of a turn on, for me at least.. Fantasies are a whole different thing, you can always change channels very quickly in your mind.

By #87279 at 12,Aug,10 02:39
When I was younger I did the normal curiosity thing with other male buddies ... don't know many that haven't ... and at the early part of my life I had a fascination with cocks ... but the female anatomy took a much higher priority in my life and focus ... and still really does! Never ever considered myself bi at the time.

It wasn't until after years of occasional experiences with other males ... and more and more enjoyment in these activities ... and always finding myself wanting to look for another one ... that I realized I am truly bisexual. Was I all along and just didn't want to admit it? Maybe? Did I just get comfortable with the fact I was? Maybe? All I can tell you is that now I don't get so fixed on the label ... just the fun!! And that I will take from male or female!! Ha!
By #124665 at 08,Mar,13 05:50
Very well said

By #29566 at 12,Aug,10 16:22
Does thinking about it and looking at all the dicks on this site mean you are Bi, or do you actually have to "perform" with another man, I think about it and look at dicks but don't have any great urge to actually do it, so for that reason I class myself as straight.
By #124665 at 08,Mar,13 05:48
You're just curious. Given the right circumstance (alcohol helps) you'd likely act on your curiosity.

By slipper at 12,Aug,10 03:05 other posts of slipper 
One hand or mouth feels much like any other... in the dark!

By #3997 at 11,Aug,10 23:30
I have, and liked to look at cock and everything and play with them etc, I guess I am bisexual too even though I don't play with cocks everyday it could be every other month or something, but I am on here looking at cocks often so i was told I should change my status to bisexual

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