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Are there other sex sites

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Started by #93465 at 16,Aug,10 17:48
I 'd like to know about more sex sites if anyone knows of.

Similar topics: 1.Any other HOT sites like SYD~~!!!!!   2.Favorite Gay Porn Sites   3.Admin. Good job with both sites   4.Looking for more sites like showitoff   5.Hook up sites  

New Comment

By #69967 at 21,Aug,10 13:49
Yes true this is the only one in the world.. Hey whoever heard of sex sites on the internet..really the very idea
By #81191 at 21,Aug,10 20:46
Disgusting, I would have no part in it
By #13219 at 22,Aug,10 02:27
Ah come on not even a little of it
By #81191 at 24,Aug,10 08:22
Ok but dont let everyone know

By #10886 at 16,Aug,10 19:10
This is the only one.
By #23212 at 17,Aug,10 03:02
Would have to agree, the postings get more inane by the day!
Oh, by the way, does anyone know where the bathroom is?
By #13219 at 17,Aug,10 20:21
Bathroom is full.. may have to wait a while.. can you hold it? If not maybe we can get you to the head of the line...
By #23212 at 18,Aug,10 07:05
Well, there's lots of folk here, including me, who like 'watersports'. So, while I'm in the line for the head, ....
By #13219 at 21,Aug,10 02:18
To Pee or not to PEE
By #23212 at 21,Aug,10 02:35
... together with friends, as much as possible.
By #23212 at 21,Aug,10 06:21
Oh, and also I'm really pissed, 'cause several have now stated that there are no other sex sites on the internet--dammit!
By #13219 at 22,Aug,10 02:25
Pissed loff or pissed on ??
By #23212 at 22,Aug,10 21:26
Most definitely pissed ON, please! ❡

By #81191 at 16,Aug,10 22:34
This one has all the Oscars

Adult Discussion Forum