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How do one get more comment on pics???

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Started by #94006 at 24,Aug,10 05:43
Why do viewers seldom give comment on pics??? Good or bad..

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New Comment

By #5532 at 25,Aug,10 04:56
I would love to see more comments my pics. But it is what it is.
By #6568 at 25,Aug,10 07:50
But you get LOTS of good comments to all of your great pix!....I don't comment on yours because it looks a bit 'me too' and thus not sincere..... I see you have been adding some nice B/W shots.

By #6568 at 24,Aug,10 12:42
Well, the main problem yo are up against here is that there are LOADS of pix added all the time and some of them are excellent. So, if you want to get more comments then you have to offer something more to make the pix stand out......

.......Now, in your particular case you have already tried to do that but (without any wish here to be rude or unkind) rather than applying something 'extra' such as hot poses or excellent lighting with nice sharp images that are well composed, you have posted rather strange images that have added stuff which detracts, rather than aids, the overall appeal of the pix.

Cock shots are (at least to me) extrememly basic illustrative photography, however, all the usual rules of visual delivery still very much apply, and you ignore them to the detriment of your shots.....

........Hope some of that helped!

Adult Discussion Forum