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Question for the ladies??

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Started by #3997 at 31,Aug,10 14:11
Ladies, What gets your pussy or panties wet during the day, do you rub your legs a certain way and it feels good, do you think of your husband or s/o, do you secretly play with your pussy at your desk during the day, or go to the bathroom, when you have wet panties during the day does it make you hornier or do you have to change them cause they are wet??

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New Comment

By #59855 at 01,Sep,10 05:06
From Matt's Wife: Many things will make me wet, one thing that really does it for me is if I have made Matt do something for me that day like wear some panties or a chastity cage. I get very wet thinking about him walking around talking to people and they have no idea.
By #3997 at 01,Sep,10 13:35
Thats awesome, I love doing things too that people would otherwise have no idea that turns me on too, once when my wife and I worked together I brought her a pair of those vibrating panties and asked her to wear them so when ever I would walk past her desk I would press the button especially when she was talking to someone, I walk around with a bulge in my pants all day, actually correction most of the day until we took our break together

By #5532 at 31,Aug,10 20:32
My mind is what makes me wet. Thoughts of things done and things yet to
By #3997 at 01,Sep,10 03:25
Nice, my mind turns me on alot too, thanks for responding luv

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