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Small or average?

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Started by #105068 at 22,Sep,10 17:21
I'm looking to get some closure and consensus on the issue of my penis size, so any responses are appreciated. Please don't worry about hurting my feelings - I get turned on either way.
Anyway, I suspect that it looks about average when hard but looks very small when soft. Thoughts?

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New Comment

By spermkiss at 22,Sep,10 21:59 other posts of spermkiss 
As I said in my comments on your photos, your penis is indeed on the small side when it is soft and is slightly smaller than average when it is hard. But even though it is smaller than most men's, it is VERY ATTRACTIVE and I'd suck you off without a moment's hesitation. You are a very appealing man.

Now about average penis size, there have been at least two scientific studies of this. The first was conducted by the late Dr Alfred Kinsey in the late 1940's. Dr Kinsey reported that the average American penis size was just over six inches long.

A more recent study of more than 1500 American college age men conducted in the late 1990's came up with an average length of just over five inches. Now did American penises get about and inch shorter in the fifty years between thes two studies?

Probably not. The difference can be explained in the way the data were collected. Dr Kinsey's subjects measured themselves, in private, and there was no attempt to verify the accuracy of their measurments. In the more recent study the researchers did the measuring. It would appear that many of Dr Kinsey's subjects did some fudging.

Your photo of your erect penis shows a length of about five inches which is only slightly shorter than average. Your penis is just fine, enjoy it.
By spermkiss at 22,Sep,10 22:03 other posts of spermkiss 
And please, please, please get a better camera. Your fine physique and lovely penis deserve better photos.

By #612794 at 12,Mar,20 00:12
I can’t see his pictures - am I doing something wrong? I think you gave great feedback
By spermkiss at 12,Mar,20 16:19 other posts of spermkiss 
No, you are not doing something wrong. You cannot see his photos because he has left the site and they disappeared when he did. When someone's name is just a number that means he's gone. 'Happens all the time.

And thank you for your kind words about my feedback. While the "nice dick" comments are pleasant, I do try to make my critique more useful about why a photo is good and how it might be improved. And I try to make my Forum posts informative. I find that the exchange of thoughts and ideas here on the Forum to be one of the most rewarding parts of this site. I came for the dick pictures but I stay for the camaraderie.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I just had a quick look at your portfolio of photos. I see that you're a newcomer. Welcome to the site and you do indeed have a nice dick.

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