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how many squirts

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Started by #17021 at 30,Sep,10 18:55
I was wondering what the average is for number of squirts during orgasm. I have about 4

Similar topics: 1.What makes a girl squirt?   2.FEMALE SQUIRTS   3.How many squirts do you put out each j/o session?   4.How many spurts ?   5.Count the number of squirts as you cum!  

New Comment

By #50778 at 27,Apr,11 21:25
14 pumps of goodness

By #122507 at 27,Apr,11 19:56
On avarage about 6 real squirts and 3-4 more dripping out...

[deleted image]

By princea at 23,Apr,11 10:40 other posts of princea 
about 14,if i cum hands free,otherwise 7

By #46165 at 19,Apr,11 23:05
I get 4 or 5 ropes that actually leave my cock and 'fly', and another 3 or 4 that just kind of ooze out

By slipper at 17,Apr,11 05:02 other posts of slipper 
I don't know about "average" but depending on conditions I can vary from a single ooze to as many as 10 squirts.

By #101402 at 03,Oct,10 19:27
Maybe its cuz I'm young but I get so many squirts I can't count and shoot cum everywhere. I've actually hit the back of my neck while laying down. No idea how. Now I typically use a rag or something to minimize the cum everywhere problem.

By #22384 at 02,Oct,10 17:32
4 to 5 for me, that is after 2 to 3 days without jacking off..

By #59855 at 01,Oct,10 22:04
From Matt's Wife: I like when Matt has gone without for a while too. The loads are bigger and shoot further. Yummy

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