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How many spurts ?

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Started by #298083 at 23,Sep,12 21:27
Hey guys, I was wondering how many spurts did you shot when you masturbated in your teenage years (from 13 to 17 years old) and how many do you get on average now ?

I noticed I used to cum (a lot) more as a teenager, always at least 10 squirts when I turned 14 years old and sometimes over 13 squirts (I used to compare with my best mate of the same age who had about the same volume too).

Now, as a 19 years old boy, I still have a good amount but it's rather 8 to 10 squirts.

Is it the same for you ?

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By #662360 at 05,Aug,22 21:47
I was usually too caught up with the pleasure of shooting my load to count my spurts.

By #611665 at 05,Aug,22 19:23
I started jacking off at about 12. The first time I came I was dry but the felling was the same. I woul guess about 7 to 10 spurts. Now about 4 or5. But I love jacking off.

By WristThick at 01,Oct,12 22:50 other posts of WristThick 
9 or 10 on average. If I can hold off cumming for 2-3 days, my load will get a lot thicker and I might get off another couple of blasts. But not cumming for that long usually gives me blue balls.

By #305812 at 27,Sep,12 21:26
I cant remember that far back but Im sure it wasten or more since I was a heavy cummer. Now Im probably good for 6-8.

By naked-porn at 26,Sep,12 14:44 other posts of naked-porn 
only 3/4

By fatcock57 at 24,Sep,12 15:54 other posts of fatcock57 
I could shoot about 8-10 squirts of thick and creamy cum in my teen years. Now, 40 years later, I do about 4-5, as you can see in my cum shot vid. I used to shoot pretty far too, about 6-8 feet.

By #201155 at 24,Sep,12 02:50
I can't really remember back to when I was a teenager, but I think it was quite a lot...this is me recently

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