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Started by #10057 at 21,May,09 18:27
for those of u who have tasted pussy does it taste in your opinion?

Similar topics: 1.How many flavors   2.What Flavor is my Lollipop?   3.Vegetarians and sperm flavor   4.PUSSY POWER   5.Cumming on food, and eating it.  

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By WristThick at 03,Jun,11 15:40 other posts of WristThick 
Honestly, every girl is different like every wine is different. Age, environment, nutrients, genetics and hygiene all affect taste and smell- of the pussy, I mean!

I actually like a strong (but pleasant!) smell, so I know when she's horny and begging for it. I've had enough girls soak through their panties and I really love it! Kind of a necessity with my size, you know?

Lastly, a creamy pussy is the best and I've found that yogurt and probiotic supplements can help make that quim cream up like a sweet, little milkshake. Trying giving your girl some of both and get ready to do some cleaning up after!!

By botanic at 10,Nov,10 11:47 other posts of botanic 
Hard to describe .. and very variable even with the same woman , depends on time of month , washing regime , type of panties , what she has just been doing etc etc ... its a PhD thesis as yet not written .However I would say from a personal point of view that the smell and taste of a pussy gives me a hard like nothing else .

By #23508 at 29,Mar,10 18:46
I love the taste of my wifes pussy, there's nothing I can compare it to it's sweet, musky and delicious. It's finger licking good.

By #1501 at 23,May,09 21:38
Battery acid!
By #23212 at 29,Mar,10 06:32
Pauvre gar?on!

By #7988 at 28,May,09 00:06
Diet and hygiene will change the taste, but in my opinion, the biggest change comes from the different points in the woman's cycle. I find that when women are ovulating that they taste like the most delicious honey ever.

By #7976 at 25,May,09 07:34
Some are intoxicatingly sweet. Some are bitter like vinegar. Some are nearly tasteless. And, some are just plain perfect. Taste changes depending on what a woman has eaten so a great game is to guess what your lover had for dinner by tasting her pussy. Amazing how many ladies will let you bet you can tell her what she has eaten by eating yourself.

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