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First Shave

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Started by #43515 at 08,Oct,10 19:49
for those who have, how old were you when you first removed your pubic hair?
Did you like the result.
Was it your idea?

Similar topics: 1.To shave or not to shave, that is the question? people who shave shave or not to shave   4.Why do guys shave their pubes ? shave or not to shave ?  

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 10,Jul,11 00:41 other posts of Ray10754 
Been shaving mine since i was about 15 or so, don't even remember what it looked like with hair, love the look and the feeling of being smooth and have no intention on changing now, as a mater of fact I have expanded my shaving now to more than just the pubes, I now shave my entire ass, cock, balls and my upper thighs,keep my chest arms and lower portion of my legs trimed real short almost to a stubble,Had a friend trim my back for me as that was the only area that I could not do myself.

By #70814 at 12,Oct,10 16:51
I like to trim it

By #44980 at 12,Oct,10 15:03
Had my balls shaved when I had a vasectomy in my early 30's, liked the feel and expanded to all my pubes, All my girlfriends since love it!

By #94263 at 12,Oct,10 07:46
I started shaving my pubic hair from about 13. Always hated it and so I've always kept it smooth.

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