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Sperm Tasting

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Started by #10208 at 09,Nov,10 10:57
I never tried it...i want too...anytips or stories about sperm.

Similar topics: 1.Hi.Why women love swallowing sperm or tasting it.?   2.Quality of sperm + photo   3.Saving Sperm in a container   4.Cum is NOT stored in your balls!   5.Being a sex slave  

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By #303133 at 05,Aug,14 13:36
Once upon a time, there was a little sperm that lived all by itself in the deep, dark woods...
By #358797 at 15,Aug,14 04:48
I've been waiting a week and a half on the edge of my seat. You can't just abandon a story like that! Did the little sperm survive? What was his name? Did he find his way out of the forest? Did he get eaten by manbearpig? So many questions!
By #303133 at 15,Aug,14 16:39
Everyone knows that manbearpig is a myth, silly!
By #358797 at 16,Aug,14 07:13
Oh, sheesh. Next you'll be telling me that a Sasquatch is a mythical creature.
By #303133 at 16,Aug,14 12:03
No, Sasquatch is totally real! My Unicorn told me that they go out for drinks occasionally.
By #358797 at 17,Aug,14 04:36
I'm gonna have to go hunt sassy down then. I have some beer chips I can give him...maybe he can use them next time he takes your unicorn out.

By #23212 at 17,Aug,14 04:43
And what about that sweet tasting little sperm? What happened to him?
By #303133 at 17,Aug,14 12:11
The Big Bad Blowjob came knocking at his door saying "Let me in, or I will Huff and Puff and..."
By #23212 at 21,Aug,14 05:03
And then, like our friend 'spermkiss' says, he became part of the 'blower's' DNA?

By #390287 at 17,Aug,14 18:13
nothing wrong with enjoying a nice, nutritious protein milkshake every now and then.

By #88504 at 17,Nov,10 06:26
Well....When I'm horny I always wanna taste my cum...but after cumming I am no longer horny enough to try it. Ain't that funny.....
By #23212 at 17,Nov,10 07:29
No, not funny. That's how all mammals work.
By #3997 at 19,Nov,10 16:50
I'm the same way I tasted my cum before but most times i just lose interest after
By #106165 at 19,Nov,10 21:15
yup im the same i will swallow ur cum if im giveing u a blow job but once i cum theirs no way ill even touch it
By #3997 at 23,Nov,10 20:04

By #23212 at 19,Nov,10 23:02
My 'work-around' for this, is to do 'edging', cumming just a little bit, a few times, without the 'big one' where one immediately loses interest. Those few smaller cums can then taste delicious, while one is still very turned on, and very much still interested!
By #106165 at 21,Nov,10 05:46
i tried that and it worked yummmmy
By #23212 at 22,Nov,10 06:51

By #281008 at 17,Aug,14 00:01
hahahahahaha so funny hilarious hahahahaha

By #332336 at 05,Aug,14 13:20
I love the taste of cum when it drips from a hot fresh fucked pussy. Love to eat my women after I cum inside, or when someone else cums inside them. Mmmmmmm

By #358284 at 14,Mar,13 15:08
I LOVE drinking Sperm!!

By #117272 at 23,Nov,10 03:00
Men that drink a lot of water are the best taste.
Men that dont drink so much, have a very yellow pee, with strong smell. We can feel it at the first load. We can see that it is not perfect white due the residuos inside the penis channel

Drink water!!! (beer is ok.... )
By #23212 at 23,Nov,10 03:21
And for sure, do NOT eat asparagus!!

By #6437 at 22,Nov,10 21:34
dYes I eat my own. But i rreally love to swallow a nice hot load from the guy i am sucking

By smokieb69 at 20,Nov,10 14:17 other posts of smokieb69 
yes - but take it direct from your cock. see my pics as an example. if you cant self suck, just position your cock above your face and blast!

By #88663 at 16,Nov,10 12:10
The best is when it comes out of the cock your sucking on at the time! Ask your wife if she would like to see that

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