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Being a sex slave

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Started by curious10 at 27,Nov,23 14:06  other posts of curious10
Any one else think that being a sex slave for a couple would be hot? I do not know why but being a slave that have to clean up sloppy cum filled pussy or ass, or lick sperm off tummies and titties really turns me on. And sucking cock and balls, swallowing sperm and getting anal banged while eating a creamy sperm filled pussy would be the ultimate

Similar topics: 1.My sex slave fantasy   2.Cam Slave   3.Slave slave   5.Slave  

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By Lvphose at 14,Dec,23 02:34 other posts of Lvphose 
I’ve had this fantasy which I’m sort of a sex slave!
I have a pantyhose/nylon fetish! I’ve fantasized that my GF calls me over to here place and in her living room are like my old boss not bad looking, my best friends wife, co workers and other friends of hers. They are all sitting wearing only sheer to waist pantyhose ( I love darker colors suntan to coffee to jet black) and those are the colors. My gf tells me to go to the middle of the Room and take off all my clothes. She then tells. Me to pleasure myself and if I don’t get hard I’ll be punished by each one. If I do I’ll get rewarded by each. Well I get hard and all give me pantyhose encased foot jobs some singular others all their stocking feet. Then my gf says ok part one. I’m not touched or touch myself. The then commands me to get my self hard again. So once hard a little harder to get erect aa second time she threatens me as I jerk saying each one will fuck my ass with a strap on! Well I didn’t want 8 chicks fucking my ass 1 but not 8! So I worked up another erection! My reward I got to tear open the pantyhose crotch lick them then fuck them. Them the all put their stocking feet together and I shot a big hot load of cum all over their nylon encased feet & I watched them lick it off each other’s hose.

By Cody8789 at 01,Dec,23 16:32 other posts of Cody8789 
Why does it have to be a slave thing, why can’t anyone just have a consensual three way and all three enjoy the sex.
By curious10 at 04,Dec,23 16:50 other posts of curious10 
They totally could I just think the kink part of pretending to have no choice makes it more exciting.
By Cody8789 at 04,Dec,23 22:57 other posts of Cody8789 
Well if you like it, then that’s ok, everyone has there own kinks

By #704641 at 01,Dec,23 12:35
I love being a sex slave for groups of men letting them use my holes as their sex toys letting them slap me around spit on me fuck my throat butt fuck me and choke me with no rubber

By Luvanicecock at 29,Nov,23 13:00 other posts of Luvanicecock 
That would be very hot. My cock dribbles precum thinking about being with a couple of doms

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