I've tried it. It can be fun if you have a hot tub nearby.
By #163488 at 28,May,11 18:18
What is snow? I live in Southern California.
By #23212 at 29,May,11 00:56
'Snow' in Southern California, is a white powder, that some people 'snort' up their noses. It appears to make some folks dredge up very old posts from the SYD Forum, so they can add their own comments.
By #59855 at 02,Dec,10 01:58
From Matt's Wife: Maybe if there is a hot tub close by, even then, not my thing. Maybe I could make Matt do it though
[deleted image]
I goes out in Germany
I've tried it. It can be fun if you have a hot tub nearby.
Unfortunately we didn't take pics.