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Naked in the Snow

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Started by #71131 at 26,Nov,10 16:26
Any guys going naked in the recent snow, (UK).

Similar topics: 1.Naked 24/7   2.Frosty The Pervert   3.It is snowing here now,does that excite you?   4.Women and naked men   5.Naked men vs naked women  

New Comment

By #194437 at 06,Mar,13 01:18
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

I goes out in Germany

By #285354 at 05,Mar,13 20:11
[deleted image]

I've tried it. It can be fun if you have a hot tub nearby.

By #163488 at 28,May,11 18:18
What is snow? I live in Southern California.
By #23212 at 29,May,11 00:56
'Snow' in Southern California, is a white powder, that some people 'snort' up their noses. It appears to make some folks dredge up very old posts from the SYD Forum, so they can add their own comments.

By #59855 at 02,Dec,10 01:58
From Matt's Wife: Maybe if there is a hot tub close by, even then, not my thing. Maybe I could make Matt do it though
By Walker at 02,Dec,10 03:00 other posts of Walker 
Oh yah, set the tub to 104 get really cooked and then do naked snow angles. Back and front, it's so cool Then dive back into the hot tub!!!

Unfortunately we didn't take pics. Next time i'll have to remember the camera!!!

By #95006 at 02,Dec,10 01:43
Not yet. I have some other outdoor pics, but I haven't done any in the snow yet

By #107983 at 26,Nov,10 20:37
NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY , me willy is small enough without Jack Frost doing his worst!
By #23212 at 26,Nov,10 22:55
Nah, don't worry, according to the Xmas carols, Jack prefers to "nip" at yer nose, not yer "willy".

By #65952 at 26,Nov,10 22:49
i'm same, wouldn't go naked in middle of summer, i'd be non existant in cold

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