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What, in addition to size, is important in a good cock? How important are dimensions, looks, etc. How does mine stack up, ove

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Started by #21922 at 03,Dec,10 11:29

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By #7976 at 03,Dec,10 22:58
I've always considered myself to be average as cocks go. I have been married twice for a total of 30 years and was single in the 70's and 80's before the health risk was off the charts so I had many lovers. None of them complained and I have always tried to use my penis to penetrate and stimulate every part of my lovers vagina. So, from my perspective, a good cock isn't in it's physical makeup but rather in the ability of it's owner to use it well and unselfishly.

By #6568 at 03,Dec,10 12:45

Yes, obviously the man behind the cock is the first impotance,....however, once a woman has taken a particular man to her body and bed, she usually does enjoy a nice cock which has character rathe than an ordinary specimen......

......If your cock has some thickness, especially at the base,..and also some curve rather than straight, then a woman will enjoy it all the more. while women don't usually enjoy pain during intercourse they DO seem to enjoy just a touch of force and stretch......yu need to 'lever' with your cock rather than just thrust.

By #99700 at 03,Dec,10 12:10
firstly, yours stacks up like mine - average but nice.
Secondly - when you get to a certain age and ahppiness in life it make no difference what it looks like to either, its about you.

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