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Extreme Close up Pix of Pussies

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Started by #7976 at 03,Dec,10 21:52
I realize the site is named "Show Your Cunt/Dick" but when I check out a page where there are one or two extreme closeup photos of a spread open pussy, I don't find that very enticing. I love pussy as much or more than anyone here but for a photo to get my interest, it needs to be a bit less graphic and more sensual. If there are a number of photos less graphic in the mix, one or two of extreme closeups are fine but when there the only photos, I'll typically pass on being interested.

Your thoughts on this topic?

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New Comment

By #90761 at 03,Dec,10 21:55
bushpilot i have to agree with you 100%..i could have written what you have said
By #7976 at 03,Dec,10 22:38
By #5532 at 05,Dec,10 22:39
Agreed. Same with dicks.
By #22918 at 06,Dec,10 11:52
Variety is good, but I do like close ups, especially if the pee hole is visible. Speculums and pump ups are a turn off.
By #7976 at 06,Dec,10 22:03
When it's one of a group of diverse photos, that can be a good view. But if it's the only photo it's too much.

By #6568 at 05,Dec,10 14:28
I think a mix of different pix is more in tune with real sex with a woman,..rather than the life of a gynocologist.

Adult Discussion Forum