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What's your New Years Resolution(s)

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Started by #7976 at 26,Dec,10 01:10
It's that time of year again when we turn the calendar to another year and write the wrong year on checks and letters for the first week or two. It's also traditional to make a resolution as the year changes.

For myself, 2010 has been the year from hell. I, therefore, resolve to do everything possible to get back on my feet and make some new friends on SYC/SYD.

What's your resolution for 2011?

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New Comment

By MoeJoe at 26,Dec,10 09:31 other posts of MoeJoe 
Well you are not alone in saying that 2010 was the year from it was mine as well. So, I resolve somehow to have a better year in anyway that I can....the slightest improvement would be welcomed.

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