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questions about asking if someone is bi

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Started by #122299 at 28,Dec,10 22:00
I have a friend, I know he is bi. The reason I know is I was looking on craigslist for a mmf threesome and I saw a post from him and his girl. Since then I have wanted to talk to him about it, but it is kinda weird to bring it up. Any suggestions?

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New Comment

By #88663 at 29,Dec,10 19:10
Answer the add, do you want to sleep with him?

By #115094 at 29,Dec,10 06:54
so if he is Bi will that change your friendship? Really then if you are true friend his sexual preferences should never be a concern. A true friend is some one you love and and will stand up for no matter what.
By #5 at 29,Dec,10 13:22

By #122299 at 29,Dec,10 04:38
Sorry I guess I should have said that the add said she was looking for a guy for him. And gave a list of his type.
By #59855 at 29,Dec,10 04:54
From Matt's Wife: Yes you left out some critical info

By #7976 at 28,Dec,10 23:41
Good point Matt's Wife. However, I favor the direct approach.

Firstly, you could answer his ad and say, "Hi, it's good to see a friend on the site. I enjoy checking out the ads and now I know I have a friend with similar interests." That will open the window for a conversation.

On the other hand, if he's on the site he knows people are looking at it. You might open a conversation with him about seeing his add and it will lead to a discussion that will answer all your questions.

Either way, Good luck.

By #59855 at 28,Dec,10 23:30
From Matt's Wife: How does that mean he is Bi? Maybe it is about pleasing his woman

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