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saline balls....

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Started by #106562 at 08,Jan,11 08:58
Do yo like saline balls,or even looking at them.If so what is it that turns you on. I have managed 1.6 liters so far but I know I am way behind many....I will catch up cause I love it....the feeling for me is wild and so so sexy..... Please let us all know the feeling out there....

Similar topics: 1.Saline injection   2.saline injection????????   3.saline in sac   4.Biggest Balls on the Web!!!!   5.Where to buy kit for saline injections?  

New Comment

By #244116 at 18,Mar,13 11:40
I like to infus my ball sack, too. My max was 2 Liters

By #130293 at 08,Jan,11 09:59
i am new to this how do you get it out after you finnish
By #121361 at 06,Feb,11 20:16
I inject 250 mland 7-8 hours the Body absob this without Problems and it looks like befor.

By #121361 at 06,Feb,11 20:15
I startet with 250 ml but the next is 400-500ml.
Please use the right Material.

Hello to Salisbury

By #121361 at 06,Feb,11 20:12
Saline Games are very horny I and my Girlfriend love this you can see on my Page.

By #107983 at 13,Jan,11 23:47
Love you album, I love seeing pumped cocks and balls,,, find it very erotic. I am a fan of big nuts anyway(think that stems from my first guy/guy encounter) Please keep posting

By slipper at 11,Jan,11 21:01 other posts of slipper 
I prefer the opposite... tiny, tiny, tiny!

By #59855 at 11,Jan,11 17:52
From Matt's Wife: Matt and I do that, I love to turn out the lights and hold a flashlight up to his sac when it is full

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