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Wanking with inanimate objects

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Started by #130164 at 09,Jan,11 20:01
This may be a subject covered elsewhere but as a newbie I intend posting my experiences of using various objects for achieving selfish but powerful orgasms. Examples will include: vacuum cleaners, curtain rings (large), various fruits (remember 5 a day), plastic milk bottles (filing the neck for comfort and getting stuck in before you are hard then squeezing can cause a pleasant sucking), using various water / shower jets to excite and cum off. Any personal experiences welcome.

Similar topics: 1.Penis piercings and other painful looking objects   2.Strange Objects   3.Toys up my arsehole when Wanking.   4.CATEGORIES   5.Breaking in my ass??  

New Comment

By slipper at 10,Jan,11 04:42 other posts of slipper 
Just a girl I once dated!
By #485312 at 16,Aug,15 12:32
hope she came her own vacuum cleaner *lix*

By #135959 at 30,Jan,11 19:35
What ever I can put my cock in I fuck it

By #130164 at 11,Jan,11 20:00
Cum on now who has been sucked off by a vacuum cleaner - can be dangerous but wanking with the tubes can be nice if you use lube!
By #107983 at 14,Jan,11 00:00
I had some fun with a cleaner once,,,,,,,,,, but she got the sack aswell as me

By #10886 at 10,Jan,11 22:58
There is always the next step past turducken! turduckendick!
By #23212 at 10,Jan,11 23:08
Wow, thanks for the reminder about this gastronomic delicacy!

By #107983 at 11,Jan,11 12:41
It that somewhere in Latvia??

By #108665 at 12,Jan,11 21:32
Thats hilarious! How about a combination of eggs, pepper Jack cheese, honey dew melon, and chocolate - ejackewlate!. Seriously, I'd like to try some different things. Always looking for that new thrill!
By #107983 at 13,Jan,11 23:59
OHHHHHH now i have looked that one up in the atlas ,,,,,,, and Ejackewlate IS in Latvia,,,,, population of 4-5 billion,,, but they are only little buggers!

By #88663 at 12,Jan,11 21:25
Does fucking a watermelon count!

By #130164 at 10,Jan,11 19:39
I'm surprised nobody has admitted to fucking an oven ready chicken. Can't believe I'm the only one
By #107983 at 10,Jan,11 20:07
Now thats something i had never thought of!! Real cock to cock fun

By #2241 at 10,Jan,11 07:44
[deleted image]
With moss and flower !
[deleted image]
By #107983 at 10,Jan,11 10:55
Well you never see that on Gardeners World!! Such a pity sighhhhhhhhhhhh

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